WPC 2022 Congress Theme: The Changing World of the Potato

The 11th World Potato Congress in Berlin in May. The Congress Program Committee thanks all the speakers for their support, it will be an informative and exciting event.


The Irish Potato Federation is proud to host the 11th World Potato Congress (WPC 2022) which will take place in Ireland, 30 May – 2 June 2022. Founded in 1973, the Irish Potato Federation was originally set up to promote the interests of the wholesale potato trade in Ireland and to promote potato consumption. Today it consists of ten members, comprising potato growers, wholesalers, packers, importers and exporters of both seed and ware potatoes. The Federation has been an active member of Europatat, the European Potato Trade Association, for over forty years and is recognized by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine and An Bord Bia (The Irish Food Board) as the official negotiating body on behalf of the wholesale potato trade in Ireland.

Why Attend WPC 2022?

  • Unique opportunity to start a potato business at this global conference
  • 1,000+ participants from around the world in one location
  • Connect directly with your target audience
  • Increase your market share through your presence and brand recognition
  • Learn about the latest innovative practices
  • Promote potato consumption and the potato industry
  • Get the latest information on global potato developments

Who Will Attend?

  • Potato Producers, Wholesalers, Retailers and Food Service Sectors
  • machinery supplier
  • technology provider
  • International experts in the potato industry, fresh market, and processing
  • food manufacturer
  • International Potato/Food Association
  • environmental groups
  • Government agencies and NGOs
  • Academics and Researchers

The 11th World Potato Congress has had a major impact on all potato-related industries. As a professional potato processing machine supplier, we have been engaged in this industry for more than ten years. In order to enable customers to process potatoes better, we will provide customers with detailed solutions: french fries production line, potato chip production line, quick-frozen french fries, Fresh-cut potatoes vacuum-packed, etc. If you want to know about potato processing machine-related information or quotation, you can leave us a message.

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